There are a few sights out there that a great for making surveys and are completely free, I can't think of one off the top of my head and am on my phone, but I'm sure a survey would be a great option for this type of situation, that way you can ask more questions. Sent from Sleberts phone
Main post updated with a survey made with SurveyMonkey. I would have used Strawpoll if they'd allowed me to have more than one question without having to make multiple polls. I'll put a thing in the shoutbox to call attention to the survey and bring more people over to the thread.
Don't mean to be me, but I've noticed that every time vanilla drops of the map something awful happens and we lose players and/or staff members.
The loss of players makes sence, and the loss of staff members is just a coincidence. Sent from Sleberts phone
I meant when the server loses interest something awful happens soon after, like the recent creative thing, and the issue with cano's server to name a couple.
lol Mage.. Well I don't think I'll be making a TL;DR.. You could at least read the My thoughts (Basic) section and take part in the survey
Vanilla with any kind of mod that benefits the player if said player were in a solo environment is bad, like towny or mcmmo. From my limited vanilla playtime I witnessed the following three things that left a sour taste in my mouth. Spawn was severely underutilized - There was very little for players to look at or interact with except for half built 5x7 buildings and a giant surplus of angry skeletons and zombies. Theft was typically *as I witnessed* the one and only reason people stopped playing, so if somehow waiting for 1.8 to release for a functioning deadbolt mod, I dunno may be better to wait. Other than the newness of a virginal resource grab, there was very little to do once people were established, either because the xenophobia of theft or the lack of community area made everyone hermit themselves. I was also kinda disappointed the thief wasn't called out publicly. I wish I could provide a better recommendation to solve the problems I saw, but other than waiting for 1.8 to drop and install some safeguard mods; I can't say for sure.
So, my goal was to have plugins that helped something. There shouldn't be a plugin on the list that doesn't have a use. Prism would be used by admins only to help us ban griefers faster. Griefers were a problem last time, though not nearly as big a problem as thieves were. ModReq would be used for when there are no admins online but you still have a problem. Maybe you live in a timezone that none of the admins live in, so you'll never have the ability to tell them about your problem in-game (you should understand this xP). With ModReq running, you'd just tell them with a modreq and save the trouble of making a forums thread or something similar before your problem gets solved. Of course, if we're going to be running plugins we can't be running a snapshot, so that's why we'd wait until 1.8 is released and plugins get updated for it. As for the custom terrain generator idea, it wouldn't have to be that different from amplified, which was what we used last time. I wouldn't want it to be much different from amplified. I liked amplified. I just thought it might be a good idea to use custom generation since it's a pretty cool new feature and since we wouldn't have the draw of a snapshot anymore. Make a little more sense, or does it still seem excessive? If it still seems excessive, what do you suggest to help us with problems like griefers, telling admins about problems when they're not around, and making up for not having a snapshot? This is by no means set in stone, and we don't even know if there's enough interest in Vanilla to be able to bring it back. The survey will help answer some of the questions we have. As of this post, 12 people have filled out the survey, and it's going a bit like I expected it to. I'd like more people to fill it out before I consider it complete enough to post the results here. I could post the current results and then keep updating them as more people respond, if anyone wants me to. Just let me know and I'll add it to the main post.
Yes, this was a problem. We were still getting started on the community projects when the server died. The Nether hub was actually much more structurally developed than the spawn area itself. I wonder if we should have some creative people make a spawn town before the server ever gets started or if we should just start thinking of what we're going to do before the server starts so that that can be one of the first things we do on the server as a community. While I did end up running into some spots of boredom on the server, there was always something my group was doing to our base. We kept adding thing after thing to make it more efficient. However this is still somewhat of a valid point, and it's something I've even experienced in singleplayer Minecraft. It's quite easy to conquer Minecraft's world, and the struggle to survive often stops once you've built a house and a farm. What ends up happening to me in singleplayer is I go and decide to look around for a good place to build something interesting. I think if we treat Vanilla as a sort of community survival build server we could have something interesting and long lasting (perhaps even more appealing to members of the creative server). If we didn't want to do that, we could do a sort of faction thing. I could have easily seen that happening on the older Vanilla server if it hadn't died. This is the kind of planning discussion I would like to have, on top of discussing whether this is a viable server idea, and what plugins we should use.
I'm on creative a lot, but also like Survival and Vanilla. You want the server to go to the abyss of griefing, stealing, PvP, and all that junk? Factions sucks.
haha good point. yeah it seems good, i'm still not sold on the custom terrain though, it would be hard to balance resources with it. And another thing, when it was amplified it made it hard to navigate, and when you are starting out and have little food it made it difficult to get very far, and thus became disheartening, which probably made the server a lot less popular. that is all i had to say