Hi awesomeguy. I'd be happy to help out but wouldn't be joining your town as I already have my own town Shortunga at warp bazaar. IGN StephenP67 Never been banned. Very trustworthy. Never griefed or looted on general principal. I play every day (well, night for me) and not up to much at the moment so will help as much as you need me to.
Lemme go over some points again. Trustworthy, and won't steal from town chests or grief. I'm a decent builder, mostly medieval stuff, and pretty handy with a bit of redstone. Secret entrances are a personal favourite
sharqman I made a modreq about this. THEdeadRETURNED I said not to keep going until I was online and you have delayed the progress of the city in doing so, I have asked for all the stone to be rolled back so I can put up the blueprints and start construction at the end of July. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused you.
ah shit man, sorry about that :/ EDIT: rollback perms for mods seem to be broken again, no perms for any of the parameters
Ok, everything rolled back, nearly all blueprints up, we are back on schedule. Yeah you guys can help out.
I would apply but I have so many projects already on the go and I can't be motivated to do even them! I'm just concentrating on arch in creative, thanks or the opportunity!