Slebert's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Slebert, Jan 21, 2014.

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  1. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    As response for what quiet said we all shared a base so we all bought stuff and just dumped it in the chests at our base. Also it was not awasted it was slebert.
    Slebert likes this.
  2. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    When we were on there was maybe 2-4 players who were not from Shadecrest
    Slebert likes this.
  3. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    And we never mentioned shadecrest

    Sent from Sleberts phone
  4. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    He's saying that's how many where there when we were that's it

    Sent from Sleberts phone
  5. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    I've gotta go to bed, tomorrow I'm making my goodbye thread, cya

    Sent from Sleberts phone
  6. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    I would also like to give my sincere apology to cano for coming on the server and causing harm/abusing a giltch and not bringing it forward as soon as it was found out.
    CanOpenerTrooper likes this.
  7. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

  8. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    As I'm going to mention on all the ban appeals where I deem appropriate.

    If you leave for a server from ours, then it is different to finding it on planetmc and then playing. A group of people leaving from one server to another and messing stuff up reflects badly on us. It doesn't matter if you're standing there going "Shadecrest rulz", so long as you're identifiable with us, then it reflects back.

    Bans are also in place to stop toxic players from harming out server. In going out to another server and destroying stuff, that gives you those traits.
  9. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    The only people that know people from shadecrest did this are others from shadecrest...

    Sent from Sleberts phone
  10. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Like the server owner and a few of the regular players?

    And what if he decides to tell people that visit his server who this was done by...
  11. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Where do you even get your info from...? That's not entirely true at all. There are some that have never heard of Shadecrest but still know what's going on.

    For example: panguinix, Mattybyte, gatheron, JordanHann, and more...

    And Legend9468 I don't plan on doing that... I want this thing to be done with as soon as possible. I really don't want players coming over here to give me a bad reputation and destroying the server that I love.
  12. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    Then that's him giving it a bad rep not us...

    Sent from Sleberts phone
  13. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Thank you sincerely Can.

    Myself and a fair few other staff were disgusted when we heard what was going on, on your server.

    Slebert, it is him sharing what you and others did. You cannot talk your way out of that.
    Flamestar00 and CanOpenerTrooper like this.
  14. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    You all collectively went on as players from shadecrest finding out about the server through shadecrest while on shadecrest teamspeak.
    After reading the initial ban appeal I was going to shorten the ban, but your posts after show that you are not sorry for what you did and you're being a childish about it. You can do what you want on other servers, but we don't want those type of players here.
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