I'm a word that starts with the letter "e". I'm an emotion that Navarog feels when people make riddle threads and ask riddles that have multiple answers and say ones that fit the given criteria are wrong.
I can see everything, yet I do not have eyes. and were anyone else to see through me, then they would be just as blind as I am. What am I? (I'm just making these up off the top of my head now)
(People don't go blind from looking through xrays. And yes, there may be a few alternate answers to the ones that I thought up.)
Close enough, it's a pair of prescription glasses. I can see everything, yet I do not have eyes. (The can see everything the person sees, bc the person uses them to see) and were anyone else to see through me, then they would be just as blind as I am. (Unless the other person has the same eye shape, then everything'll be blurry; like it is for the person when they're not wearing the glasses) What am I?