What does your name mean?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by CanOpenerTrooper, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    Most male names are linked to sexiness, Lol.
  2. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    A kid living near my house is hated by everyone and rascally ruined his parents relationship and his own life :confused: accurate as heck.
  3. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    What is it with all these pimps XD
  4. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Love the way most of these are probably written by people with the name, so they're all going good.
  5. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    1. Merideth
    The most awesome person you will ever meet. Excels at everything. Lol guess this is true
    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
    Dynodamon and aarondang like this.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    1. luke
    From the Latin meaning "light" he motivates others by gentle persuasion a natural born leader.

    A person who has this name tends to be

    Very loyal, respectful, fearless, outgoing, idealistic, fun loving, competive nature

    But due to a very loyal and fearless nature these two combined will mean Luke is a force to be reckoned with.

    And also attracts quite a lot of female attention due to these characteristics
    a luke usally has a group of very close friends who he respects and is very loyal to.
  7. o0z

    o0z Member

    seems bout right

    Liam aka P.I.M.P

    Often found with bitches and a pimping stick with a gold handle.
    "I once saw this guy dressed in a cape with a golden cane. He was like a fucking shepherd, with hundreds of bitches swinging of his cock. They were all screaming somthing that sounded like liam! But it could have been heaven? The bitches were touching his cape and getting backhands left right and center. Now thats a PIMP if I ever saw one"
  8. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    The Great Pimp has spoken!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  9. SpaceCadetKevin

    SpaceCadetKevin Well-Known Member VIP


    Basicilly a kid with a huge dick. looks great, smells great, and all the ladies want him. great at sports also. great sense of humor.
    Gee i am so jealous of Kevin, with three girls around his arm.

    How is kevin good looking and smart at the same time?.

    #1 definition on urbandictionary.com. I do not jest.
  10. crazyboy162

    crazyboy162 Active Member VIP

    The most amazing man in the world, one day he might ignore you and the next he'll act like you guys are dating and have known each other since the beginning of time. He is extremely althetic and charming in every way, but never worry he will never be a player he will pick the one he wants and forever worship her. He is very smart and also very funny. He'll do anything for his lady friends. but sorry ladies he usually falls for Jordans(girl) and other girls that aren't stuck up anorexic hoes. He doesn't like to rush relationships and likes to take his time with girls he hates rushing right into the first kiss.

    Err... sure... also found this one...

    1. n; the onomatopoeic sound effect of bouncing boobs.
    2. v; the act of boobs (or the owner of said boobs) creating this sound by bouncing.
  11. Navarog

    Navarog Well-Known Member

    I hope you all know that people make these generic and numerous so that you'll look up your name and think "wow that's so uncannily similar to me"...
  12. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    So the generic person is indeed a pimp then?
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  13. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    yup half the population of 'murica.
  14. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP


  15. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    accented america.
  16. kmpurplekat

    kmpurplekat Active Member VIP

    A happy person who is a good listener and reliable friend. Likes to party and is always there when you need her.
    An absolutetly gorgeous person. Someone who is so amazingly beautiful its almost physically impossible.
    Officially love my name xD
  17. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Urban Dictionary is the dictionary you write. Define your world

    Copied and pasted from the front page of Urban Dictionary... So I think people will know.

    God's most lovely creation.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  18. trukklob

    trukklob Active Member Creative Architect

    urban dictionary is for insecure noobz :3
    Navarog and Flamestar00 like this.
  19. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Why do you think we're using it?
    Navarog and trukklob like this.
  20. Flamestar00

    Flamestar00 Active Member VIP

    Yeah right :p

    just kidding....