Saw it a little over a year ago (I was 14 or so?)... It was a little much, but the "Meaning of Life" is much much more scarring. Especially the sex ed scene... :I This scene:
It ain't really that scaring? At least, not for anyone over the age of 15. Also, why is this in the troll board, seems more of an off-topic to me.
Legend9468 , you were wondering why this is in the troll board? Well, I think it's pretty apparent now.
noplz plz no no no no plz nonono i will giv u al of my money n giv up al dimons i xrayd plz dont no plz plz
See the løveli lakes The wønderful telephøne system And mani interesting furry animals Including the majestic møøse A møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"... Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...