Greets Everyone *Waves* to all :)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by iMCaddict, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. iMCaddict

    iMCaddict New Member VIP

    Just wanted to say...I'm back after a bit over a year Hiatus .... woooooo hoooooo
  2. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome back :D
  3. iMCaddict

    iMCaddict New Member VIP

    Thanks, Pie

    Just wish it would have been a good day back on the server...jumped back away from a creeper and landed 1 block from where I was standing and I died saying I died from a high drop and I lost's messed up!
  4. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    Fkn knew you weren't brand new XD welcome back home !
  5. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    Hi MC, don't think we've crossed paths but welcome back :)
  6. iMCaddict

    iMCaddict New Member VIP

    Thanks so much NMBr2d2

    Nope I don't think we have yet, but there is always a first time =)
  7. GingerSwan

    GingerSwan Active Member VIP

    Hi MC! Welcome back, and hi for the first time.