Lowering the Spawn Rate?

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by North_Korean, Aug 1, 2013.


Should the spawn rate be lowered?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. aarondang

    aarondang Active Member

    Well, you could just go crazy and slaughter them all. Monster souls are delicious.
  2. AQTguy

    AQTguy Member

    True dat! True dat!
  3. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    I almost never die to mobs around my house, only when I'm mining :p
  4. thechooosen1

    thechooosen1 Active Member VIP

    It's because you rack diserprin ~_~
  5. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    From what I've tested, around 5-10 mobs are spawning a second within this range. The main problem for this, is that new players starting out face double spawn rate anyone else has to. Since peaceful/pvp spawn are so large, no mobs can spawn within the 5 chunk range behind or beside the player, so they all get concentrated into half the area.

    We'd really have to find a compromise. Sure, lowering the spawn rate will make it a lot easier for current members, but at the moment it's pretty much impossible for a new member in iron armor and with a sword to take on the mobs outside peaceful spawn at night time. sharqman Would it work if we world edit in large caves/rooms underneath the spawns and allow mob spawning in them, so the spawning is as per usual around peaceful and pvp spawns?
    Legend9468 likes this.
  6. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    I have level 208 in mcMMO swords, and at least 150 of those were from wearing iron armor, holding a diamond sword, and running around a desert in peaceful. Neither the armor nor the sword were enchanted, and I died ~5 times total (no use of right-click abilities). Usually a little server lag would make running around in the middle of the night nearly mob-less, when in single player, you would probably be screwed. The limited spawn range makes the difficulty balanced similar to single player.
  7. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Yeah well, I suck at killing stuff in caves as I get surrounded and blown up most of the time.