For anyone who's interested this is where I got my town name. I was already a fan of Hamza El Din from when I came across him in one of my folk music binges. He basically made it his personal mission to document Nubian folk traditions before they were displaced by the construction of the Aswan dam in Egypt. Then when I came across Nubian pyramid fields while researching desert bazaars and North African architecture it kind of made sense to combine my passions. Hamza El Din - Shortunga (The Spirits)
This one is on my Soundcloud playlist and is stuck in my head. Don't smoke kids, it's not cool or attractive and it's bad for you! Oh, and setting your hair or lips on fire = BAD!
Avicii - Addicted to you This song has been in my head for weeks and I still love it. WARNING: moderate violence. Another one: Team BS - Case départ French, but still awesome
Dat melodic voice doe.... Albert Einstein only started to speak his first words at 3 years of age. :O I can still be a genius!
Not a youtube vid, so I can't give a fancy window thing like you peeps. This here is an acoustic version of the Gorrilaz' song "On Melancholy Hill". (Yes, this is my blog before anyone asks)
I absolutely HATE rap, but I quite like this: The quality fluctuates quite a bit, from amazing to mediocre, but those amazing parts make me overlook the bad.
Probably my favoritest song ever: NOTICE: WILL CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EARS IF LISTENED TO WITH BASS BOOST. No seriously doe.