You're right. I felt like that glass roof was a big monstrosity when I finished lol. Actually i was planning to put some kind of supports in there or a design.. but the roof is too big anyway .. I just tore it down and did a much lower slope. So much less glass.
Hey Thanks to all the suggestions.. and very good ones I might add.. I am NOT done. In fact the further I goes.. the behinder I gets. xD Siot suggested that big panes of glass might not be a good idea.. and Im and Killor suggested texturing with steps like Killor's ArtemisManision build. I agreed. So I took out the glass and started messing around with stairs. lol I spent a very very long time trying to come up with a design for the front. (I also have to repeat this on the back and the two inside faces. (Sigh... longing for cut and paste. ) PS. I know lots of straight lines.. but the circles weren't working. I played around for way too long..hence my current mental state which is none too good. lul But the results were worth the pain. Thanks for the great advice guys. A view from the side...
great job! i cant believe how quick you are able to change, and make your build beter! love the building; it looks great!
Ok for today this is it. We have a roof allllll the way around and now it's just repeating the front step pattern on the back and the insides front and back... and finish the trim. The most important missing part is supports... not only from the pillars to the roof but inside for the inner part of the roof. I plan to do a little research for that. Sadly, I'm not an architect. (In rl I mean.) Then.. I can do some interior things... chandeliers...and I'm not sure what else. I'll probably be busy this weekend with the family so we'll see if I can sqeeze in any building time. And of course...I have some other smaller buildings I need to do along with landscaping. Lots of fun ahead! Have fun everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
By smaller buildings I mean that I want to do a long wide walkway leading out to pools and gazebos with glass domes (Yes with structure in the glass.) And not really very big or too ornate. Just covered seating areas for the garden. Soooooo glad I am not inhibited by a plot! xD
I don't think as far as being an Architect, but definatly a Builder II. She certainly does have the responsibility of an Architect though.
You guys are very nice to give me that vote of confidence. I just am building cause I love it like crazy! I do my best on whatever I do. I have a LOT to learn still though.
Such a huge interior space is aching to have some sort of decorative element to fill it, like a sculpture or statue. Definitely has potential. Might not get you architect on its own, but as the centerpiece of a larger project, it would do.
Just haven't got to that part yet I like the statue idea! It was going to be that or a fountain.. but the blue might be too much.
I think I'll play with a statue creation ... but I still have to do a lot of detail on the faces of that roof before I can start the interior work
Thanks Max! I would have an update.. but all I've done is play on the survival server today with my family .. MissRodgers and Trodgers (hubby and 21 yr old daughter). We have two bases.. and are strategizing on moving Waay out there. We are now established enough that I am going to start stockpiling for a nice survival build. xD Almost have my enchanting table materials together so we can enchant our armor and tools. I did work on the house early this morning and had almost finished the third (inside) face of the roof ( stair patterns)...when Killor dropped by. lol Sigh... He is a great inspiration and .. well... so now I'm messing around with stairs and weird patterns again! Someone.. I won't say who... keeps raising the bar with his brief but insightful questions. So I may spend the next few days just figuring out stair patterns. <3 <3 <3 ( If I lose my mind.. just blame Killor. ) xD
I don't expect to get architect..but I have plans for some more smaller buildings and fun stuff to add to this....maybe Builder II? I sure need to tour and see more of what it takes to get there. I really am shooting in the dark at this point.
I would like to see you get II for the completed project, if not for your building skills but for your participation with the community great work keep it up
It looks awesome! Admin worthy on most servers. But that's why I came to Shadecrest. I currently have 3 huge projects underway, and watching how you progress in your builds is aiding my own through processes during my builds. What helps me most is building with my fiance. We both have different approaches, strengths, and weaknesses when it comes to building, but at this point, we can't do amazingly well without the other. We both hope for builder two soon, but I'm thinking we need to focus a bit more like you. Your dedication too. Your build, and even documenting its progress has inspired me. Keep up the good work!