SHADE CREST official build off sign up(Month of November)

Discussion in 'Contests/Events' started by sioutdoors, Nov 4, 2012.

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  1. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    IGN: Thomasdd13
    this'll be fun! :D
    sioutdoors likes this.
  2. Whats the stance on WorldEdit?
    To make it fair it should probably be not allowed.
    QuietSea and sioutdoors like this.
  3. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    yeah its only a 50x50 spot so no world edit should be needed
  4. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Go to /warp contestrules for even more info
    Since people are not entirely in favour of the required blocks;
    The more of your build that is built with those blocks in the theme, means you have a higher chance of winning, your welcome to use other blocks, just the more you stick to the required blocks and theme, the better chance you have! :D
  5. Matthijs

    Matthijs Member

    please sign me up! IGN: 101122356
  6. TheOnlyGurra

    TheOnlyGurra Active Member Creative Architect

    i took a plot, but if there's a builder that doesnt get a plot, just delete my build
  7. Infamous_Thorn

    Infamous_Thorn New Member

    Ign: Infamous_Thorn
  8. Infamous_Thorn

    Infamous_Thorn New Member

    Sign me up please?
  9. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Go on and take a plot thorn,
    I am signing carbon9 up, he cant get on a web browser, but has asked me to do it for him in game.
  10. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    go go gadget thorn
  11. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    One more plot left! we have filled 15/16!
  12. Ruthless

    Ruthless New Member

    Hate to do it but I Did :): Sign meh up plz.

  13. Croffesional

    Croffesional Member

    Thats great!
  14. iwilleatyou4

    iwilleatyou4 Member Creative Architect

    Iwilleatyou4! I hope there's still room for me :D
  15. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    room for all next month :-}
  16. iwilleatyou4

    iwilleatyou4 Member Creative Architect

    so wait, can i be in it for the first build off ever? or are you saying i need to wait for the next month's build off?
  17. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    if there is a plot then yes
  18. iwilleatyou4

    iwilleatyou4 Member Creative Architect

    AnnodynS likes this.
  19. TheKillorX

    TheKillorX Active Member Creative Architect

    slappywhitee likes this.
  20. iwilleatyou4

    iwilleatyou4 Member Creative Architect

    Don't you dare tell them what it means otherwise ill !#@%@#$##%^%$@$@$%^(#(*! you when you least expect it.
    AnnodynS and slappywhitee like this.
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