Peaceful and PvP Reset: Feedback Appreciated

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by PhuzzYLogiK, Sep 28, 2012.

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  1. tjayh913

    tjayh913 New Member

    Would it be reasonably technically possible to have a "survival world" with an entirely separate inventory? This world could then be reset regularly to offer more of a survival experience, while not destroying any of the "permanence" of the old worlds.
  2. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    then we would be sperating the blayerbase. soon there will be a world like that, i think it's even a shadecrest hunger games. i still think the best compromise is just to do as Lord Niffy said and continue the regens of the land.
  3. ZPWR22

    ZPWR22 Active Member VIP

    I think you may be failing to understand why old players don't want to reset the map. Just like anything in the real world, buildings have left there impact all throughout history. Our server is similar in a lot of ways. For example, a town that died over a year ago called Exile influenced the server since it died. It sparked new towns to start, and over all was an amazing looking city. And to just completely reset Exile... it would be a crime.

    Another thing, no one really mines in the mining world except for new players. And even then, they don't mine there that much. There is way more ore in the 1.0 world. And that doesn't need to be reset all that often.

    And one last point to make. Why do you want the maps reset so bad? If you feel that there is no point to playing on here. Then feel free to go elsewhere, I can't see how you are putting the effort into this conversation when you really have nothing to argue for.
    Thomasdd13 likes this.
  4. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    +1 when i can find it
  5. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    No. He understands why people don't want to leave what they have. He understands that people don't want to give up all their stuff. Yes, towns like flex and exile were good towns while they were up but that time has passed. I feel there is a lot of reminising on how things were. You don't get memories from the town itself but rather the experiences you had while you were a town member. I guess I don't understand of keeping with the old when they don't matter anymore.

    No one mines in the mining world? Huh? Where are you getting that insightful knowledge from.

    Attack the post, not the poster. Your posts don't seem to grasp what he is trying to point out. He has the best interest of the server in mind regardless of what he says.
  6. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i think that max was right with we need to think of better ways to fix things than just completely regenerate the whole map because some of the new members have gotten bored. i am still in favor of the cleaning up of the maps we have, and i know if we did this we would 1. lose a lot of old time players, and 2. not gain many new ones. there are tons of maps reset commonly and they do not have that high of player bases. once we get the hunger games map up, you can live on that since it will be reset.
  7. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    I think this thread is over, I don't want you guys getting stressed out over nothing.

    Have a nice day :)
  8. k9katz

    k9katz Member

    Who thinks that adding more maps and fragmenting the player base is not a good idea? me. Shadecrest already has 4 .. Creative. Pvp. Peaceful & mining.
    adding a hunger games map will only fragment an already dwindling population on the remaining maps.
  9. The_Mexicans

    The_Mexicans Member

    I think the hunger games map will only be up part of the time
  10. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Correct, the hunger games map will be on a certain times each week, much like events. The main goal of the survival games are to liven up PvP which I believe will be successful.
  11. PhuzzYLogiK

    PhuzzYLogiK Member

    Take your time reading what I said so you can comprehend it.

    Your sole response--which you've now given more than once--boils down to "I don't want to lose my stuff", "You're a new player", and "You're just trying to get ahead". Go look up "ad hominem" fallacy.

    I'm pointing out that I foresee a problem that could adversely affect game play. You have done NOTHING to address any of those points or tell me how my logic is flawed. You have contributed NOTHING to the discussion of how to make things better or to address the problem, whether that involves a reset or not. You haven't even tried to put this into the perspective of what's best for the server, or what can be done to improve it.

    I realize a lot of you are younger and may lack some life experience, but learning to approach things with an open mind and provide constructive criticism is a skill that will serve you well throughout your life. If you don't agree with an idea, show where the IDEA is flawed, and suggest an alternative.

    I will gladly give you my 10,000 rupies for US$10,000.

    Can we agree that your constant comparisons of minecraft and the real world don't show anything, now?

    Because I think this is a good server, with good people and admins, and I would like to see it grow.

    Because discussing potential problems and possible solutions is infinitely more helpful than, "if you don't like it, feel free to go elsewhere".

    Because I know talking with people that don't agree with me can broaden my perspective.

    Because even if max decides not to reset the maps, other ideas that have come up through the discussion could still be useful. Other problems that were not originally seen could have been observed and solved.

    Because even if the maps aren't reset, positive changes are being made. The maps are being cleaned up. Guests are engaged more in chat. It appears more guests are returning and there are plenty of yellow names sticking around to turn green. I don't think this is all directly attributable to this thread, but a spirit of constantly assessing what can be improved.

    Because despite what several of you seem to think, this is about improving the server, and not to push some "personal agenda".


    I think this is pretty much over. Whatever anyone chooses to think, I believe some useful ideas and insights have come out of it. Thank you to everyone for your feedback.

    Also, thanks to max for allowing the discussion to proceed, even if you were against the idea. That is the mark of a good leader, and I appreciate it.
    Dynodamon and imaxorz like this.
  12. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    You're very smart, and very mature. Keep coming up with idea, one of them will be very great.
  13. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Please excuse me if my post is vague/irrelevant/already discussed, I only just got the chance to check up on it now on an iPod. There was some mention of the fact that survival is getting less like survival, because of the masses of resources being effectively infinite. I'd just like to say that the other main aspect of survival is surviving. Yes, I know that the mob spawn rate is set, but I do think it is too easy now. I feel no worry at all mining without torches or armor, while carrying many valuables.

    Also, im not a fan of resetting, it's essentially joining a new server wih some people you already "know". If anything, try out another SC server that is the same as the current one, and see where people play. And imagine builds like dogzfriend's (/warp marketplace I think (and might have to force-to)).

    Ps. Sorry if it doesnt really flow, typing on this thing sucks, and I can't be bothered editing
  14. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Phuzzy, can you please lock this so people don't freak out when they read that the worlds are getting reset? Thanks, lol.
  15. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    I don't think its a problem of some people thinking that it's actually happening. And I'm not sure, but there may still be room for discussion, so locking might not be neccessary yet
  16. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    Half of the things i am going to say are going to be said already because i do not have time to read every single comment because some of them are HUGE and i want to go to but i want to say something about this before i forget about it.

    Why Not to Reset Survival
    By: Slebert​

    Many have been on this server for along time and it should not be reset every 6 months every 12 months or ever. The server should never be reset unless there is a extremely large need to.

    Before i came on Shadecrest me and many of my friends played on another server and it was great and it was fun and we were doing great and had lots of stuff, but then they completely reset every thing and a lot of the long time players died down and stopped playing because it just isn't as fun after you have just spent a large time building great things.

    If we reset the server, people will not want to build as much and they will, just get bored and leave and even if they do build when you reset the server they will, not want to rebuild and will just leave. It does not give people who join half way towards the reset enough time to catch up to the others who have played since the reset.

    Now cites, they will not be as great as any of the cites that have been and will be. There will be no time for the fall of cites and the rise of others in their place. No giant wars that last months on end. No one wants to take there time building a great city if it will just be gone without a fight. People will build a city if they know it will one day fall, but only if they get to fight for it not to. Cites are not built and then lived in they are lived in and then built, its how things work in Minecraft (well at least on Shadecrest) , and it takes a lot of time and effort which will not be available.

    There is plenty of room on the server to build still, if you are not lazy you will find one, its just a matter of walking for a while and taking a good look around. Or you could help out in a city and live there, yes it is costly, and yes it sucks because you cant build how you want where you want but that's how it is so either deal with it or don't be lazy and find your own spot. Maybe people don't have time to walk for an hour to find their own spot and don't want to find a city, well you do have enough time because even if you can only play for 30 min a day just walk for those 30 min 2 days and boom you've got yourself a spot to build.

    Anyways i am tired and am going to sleep. but this is my input to this topic. thanks for reading :D
  17. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Resetting the server would be like killing a world. Over time we have developed yes towns fall but things are starting to come back I think give it some time and we will start seeing old abandoned towns removed from towny and new ones to start spurring up if you want some revitalization on the server make towns cheaper or taxes easier so people would like to make more towns. But oppose a limit of at all times must have idk 3 people on within 2-3 months sounds reasonable. They have 3 days after the town is created to do this. This makes it to where a group of people must come together to form a town and with taxxes easier less has to be charged and people will want to join towns. Because from personal experience the second I put taxes people left people hate them and try to avoid them it is the hoarding effect.
  18. Manglor

    Manglor Active Member

    This story is awesome full of twists and turns and chalked with suspense, god I hate working so much and missing everything
  19. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    I agree with nifix and his points. If you guys need a lot of map cleaning to do. We can get experienced world editors from creative server and survival server to help clean up the terrain one day. I used to constantly clean terrain on the creative server and I could help clean archaic areas where needed. There's also the possibility of expanding boarders or adding worlds, but larger worlds can also lead to world file corruption.
  20. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    getting some more people to help regen would be helpful :)
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