Bring dynmap hide back?

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by Griffsbrown, Jun 28, 2012.

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  1. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    You guys use dyn map hide to hide on the map nearly 24/7. No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing. Yet you guys can see us freely as long as we're outside during the day. I understand if you want to build in peace. I understand if you just want to be left alone. But when it comes to PvP we can never find you unless we see your name tag or shiny armor.
  2. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    also, this is not the place to bring PvP disputes and whining to, go to another forum and fight there. this is a post about bringing dyn map hide back or not... please keep it civil.
  3. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    If we are in PvP, why would we want you to find us? Who wants to be killed and lose valuable stuff? We want our privacy to carry over to the PvP world.
  4. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Well let's stop flamewars. VIPs who PVP will generally want the perk, VIPs who don't pvp or nonVIPs would either not care or not want the perk. Let's just see how much of the server is for/against it.
  5. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    Fine by me!
  6. Jasperli

    Jasperli Member VIP

    It seems without dynmaphide idiots will be all around you. I had no idea this would happen... One peak outside and the guy stalking the dynmap will know where to look for you, your chests, your mine or somethign similiar. I don't like having idiots stalking when I mine.
  7. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    You know that what you're saying is it's ok if you can spy on members all day long to find their chests, their mine, or their homes, but it's not ok if the tables are turned?
  8. Jasperli

    Jasperli Member VIP

    Well Nrayf you would like to have a random guy standing next to you when you mine and even as I mine in PvP not being allowed to kill him because I get there using my home, when he on the other hand has walked there? If I would mine on peaceful it would be even worse and belive me there are such stalkers who want to figure out how to mine.
  9. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    But you're still saying that while it shouldn't be ok for someone to find you on the map, it should be legal for you to find anyone else.
  10. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    i dont think that is quite how he meant it NrayF, i took it as he does not spy on others and does not want others spying on him while he works, not as a "i dont like people watching me mine, but i want to know where everyone else is"
  11. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    I think that if Non-VIPs want exclusive privacy where ever they are, they should donate. The server needs the donations now more than ever. I do not think that this is the time to be taking away VIP perks, which could help draw new donators in.
  12. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    What? I did not get that from the post at all. His post makes complete since. He does not want to spy on anyone, He does not want people to spy on him.
  13. Jasperli

    Jasperli Member VIP

    Nrayf for pvp dynamic map as it is now is great (no dynamic map hide) For peaceful or when your mining in pvp/peaceful it is impossible to live thanks to stalkers. If VIP wont get this dynamicmap hide then neither should Admins get. You can get the feeling of idiots running after you when you want a minute of peace.
    Messages liek "WOAH YOUR RICH" or "GIVE ME MONEY" etc can be ignored thank god, but a guy just standing next to you can't be dealt with lava or anything becouse of rules. Give VIP chance to tp normal people away from them if you take this away.
  14. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Lol, did you just ask for a "bubble"? Where the "lower classes" can't touch/contact/find you?

    Anyways, as I said, let's stop the argument, and let the vote carry out. Everyone's too entrenched in their own point of view to consider the valid points both sides make.
  15. glepet1962

    glepet1962 New Member VIP

    It is plain and simply an advantage for VIP's. And with all the VIP's that are touting it as an advantage (donating just so they can have that ADVANTAGE) should solidify that and serve as futher proof that it should be eliminated.
    To me, that trumps our opinions.
  16. Z_Millla

    Z_Millla Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    This thread is about as dramatic as the first one. I'm going to start at square one and present a new idea because I really don't think this bickering is getting anywhere. First thing is first, the feature of /dynmap hide should remain. I feel it makes PVP more interesting when you can't just track people on the dyn map, as that is highly unrealistic and takes away the fun of actually having to search for kills. That said, anyone who has access to this perk CLEARLY has an advantage over those who don't plain and simple. If you don't think they do I feel you are only trying to fool yourself, its an advantage. So then, how do we balance this? Makes /dynmap hide similar to warps. Have it be a perk for donating a certain amount to the server, but also allow players to buy the perk in game for rupies. This makes perfect sense to me as it keeps a very cool feature for dynmap, it takes nothing away from those who have already donated, it will still give the perk for those who are considering donating, and it pleases those who simply cannot donate but feel vips with dynmap hide have an advantage over others. Thoughts?
  17. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    Exactly my thinking. From the day donations first came out, it was stressed that donating shouldn't give anyone an advantage over anyone else. That is one of the reasons why you don't see "Donate $10 for 100 diamonds" or anything goofy like that. I wish this was dealt with sooner, but it has been here for so long that people would do anything to keep it. Regardless of how you look at it, it's a significant advantage and violates the spirit of donating that we have been trying to develop here.
  18. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    i do agree with that, but what about us that do not want to be disturbed by those that just want to grief and screw with us.. the annoying people, i live on peaceful side and i dont want people visiting where i am building my new home while i build it... i would love to be invisible.

    if only there was a way to make the dynamic map show only you... and no one else...
  19. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    That is a great idea. I think that would solve everything. Non-Vips, cant complain because they can buy the perk. And there is still a reason for donating for the perk.

    Also on a different note, does anyone remember what max said about sneaking hiding non-vips on dynmap? What about that? Not sure why everyone had a problem with it the first time.
    Basically Vips get dynmap hide, Non vips get sneak dynmap hide.
  20. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    My thoughts exactly why not just make it so that if non-vips want to hide they have to sneak. Also latly i have been getting really annoyed because (no offence to them) Bpsoccer and Lakarder have constantly been raiding my home because i go out to fish and they see me mining this has gotten extremely annoying and i cant defend my /home because i used it to get there. I beleive dynmap hide should stay for vips.

    Another thing that could be negotiated is that vips cant use /dynmap hide if they are raiding but any other time they can. just throwing the idea otu there.
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