Decembers Top 5: k9katz PhuzzYLogiK sharqman Pieman_Is_God madmiket Note: money payment will be delayed
Ahh I had not seen this yet. I had planned to start paying better attention to voting as I feel we 'creative' types do not do enough of this. I want to change that at least on my part.
Would you like to see this implemented next months voting contest? Updated image: Increased 75-250 tiers
Why you should vote for creative as well as survival Based on the assumption of 8 daily votes on survival and 5 on creative being registered on the vote count
All rewards paid! Top 5 for March ralk75200 Pieman_Is_God183 majestic_moose164 k9katz162 sharqman144 Also paid 1000r to DakodaRivers and 500r to: Jaserpli ToBeReverenced benokt abdullahj ModernDragoness Tegashlar Leadforu
Winners will be announced and money paid out once the vote count is accessible, so keep voting and increase your bonus since these days will probably count
Paid rewards! Better late then never! I did a bit of both reward systems. Will go back to 5k for the top 5, but if you are in the top 5 and hardly voted you'll get less, and if you're out of the top 5 but still voted a lot I'll give you a bonus. sharqman - 5000 k9katz - 5000 majestic_moose - 5000 Pieman_Is_God - 5000 Ralk75 - 5000 The_Humbugg - 3000 DakodaRivers - 3000 Abdullahj - 2000 MaddiegreeN - 1000 ToBeReverenced - 1000 Hakalu - 1000 imaxorz vote count can now be reset for just May (includes April atm)