you guys are way smarter than me ._.
I don't know you to well :3 Try finding one that suits you.
to bad the worlds are now resetting -.- Anyway the build looks great!
I will do it as long as you supply me with the pickaxes and shovels. I don't want the horse so I will take 3300 instead :P
I will be posting pictures of my new setup very soon. For now, all I can give you is specs: AMD A10 5800K Black Edition at 4.6 GHz 16GB DDR3...
soooooo. I really kinda need a date of when we are doing this :3
I like things that are simple. I wouldn't mind something like "Gladiator". Maybe everyone has chain armor and a stone axe ? Just a simple PVP...
I am face palming. right now. Here is a dumbed down version of what I meant: Vote and you get Rupies. Buy armor and weapons with Rupies. Buy...
One simple solution to this whole debate: Hint, hint: Vote = Easy ass Rupies. Rupies = a chance to buy stuff.
There is always a reason to be upset. On another topic: Confucius say: Go to sleep with itchy butt hole, wake up with stinky finger.
And also to the person that locked this thread. I don't know who or what you are. But if you ever, I mean ever, lock this thread again. I will...
I couldn't find a gif that goes with your attitude but I found this pic that reminds me of you. [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.