If the restrictions options passes we can modify the fist rushing rule to include no potion rushing (just an option since we already require...
not sure I understand the question, there are 4 options 2 that allow potion bombing 2 that dont
Please select what you think is the best option for 'Potion Bombing' rule
obviously since there is no set rules about using potion bombs it will have to be added to the wiki. Some people seem think that since it doesnt...
Welcome to shadecrest! Visit www.shadecrest.com/join to apply and I will add ;)
Was the issue with your chests resolved Dogz?
Pretty fair deal, but I really did laugh out load to your response jay :)
the picture is of a broken disk, and its a recording of someone mining then suddenly stopping. I like to picture it as his last recording before...
how could you not like it? its a story of a miner mining then gets killed, you can give to me
now I'm jelly
I was just trolling you I've never play arma. Diablo and Minecraft are where its at though
ya for some reason google decided this was the top response for that search for at least a few hours, its still on the first page now but no...
i play minecraft diablo and arma 2 when i get bored
the ingame compass using /pos is not correct anymore, ever since 1.8 when the world was rotated
seriously Dark...?
hahaha i can tell just from the commercial that arm probably fell off, he pushed it on there longer then they actually showed it lol
I tried to find one of these to see how much it would cost.... apperently everyone that had one tried to rip off and appendage and now none are...
hope you come back soon
damn i always miss the fun :P
Separate names with a comma.