So why is north in trouble for being immature in the past? Is this a court? Can I please have an un-biased jury of my peers? OH WAIT I CAN'T....
Quiet was demoted after a series of events. I was demoted because of a single even that was only a trigger for quiet. If you want to argue that we...
So why was I demoted? Why was rem demoted? Why was north banned? This contradicts everything there T_T
Spawning 100+ Chickens: de-op ----> Admin Killing smalls' animals: no...
Replace north with quiet and you have a nice little equation.
I'm not going to copy paste, go read north's appeal if my post isn't already deleted, most of it applies here as well.
Why do you need more things. Honestly. What is the need for stuff here? I'm looking at the people who have posted in this thread, and it is...
Greg Hole 2016
There's this great rule, that says if you aren't a part of a ban, and you post in the appeal thread that you can be banned for the same amount of...
When you kill your dog in minecraft instead of in real li- wait...
I completely understand. If you refuse to have a way to censor chat, then make it so that the rules are the way pyro used to do it. Kick...
ttttaaaa Edit: No really, its funny and all, but it needs to be changed back. Just because the players from 3 years ago are fine with cussing...
My favorite part was when the riddle had many possible answers and 2 of the three were "wrong".
This thread is useless, bye bye :)
Mondey, Tuesdey, Wednesdey, Thursdey, Fridey, Saturdey, Sundey.
Philly, Boston, or Jersey, all of which I can do excellent accents for :)
Separate names with a comma.