You're age
bobby is age
God damn. Boobby is age. [IMG]
War Thunder... I don't know why people wouldn't suggest this. It's amazing looking! The graphics are very nice and you don't need a beast computer...
Khan Academy is very good for those nights when you have a test the next day and you willingly study the night before and get a D+ on the test....
don't judge
That last one is me
God damn. The temptation of buying the latest Animal Crossing game... But I can't... I don't need another addiction that will need re-hab.
I like them because... #1: you get free stuff... #2: The mini games that are provided are very fun and addicting #3: Because it's something to...
Conway advertised a warp called /warp suckmy**** and proceeded to advertise it to the whole server. He also had a very inappropriate build at that...
This thread is dedicated to one of the best game series ever be released. I still remember my first Animal Crossing on my Nintendo GameCube. I...
Not on the GPU / PSU I want though :( But thanks for informing us. Also, some people may want to consider a Geforce 8300-gs- OEM over a titan....
Doing a town build at the moment as well.
EDIT: Ignore this thread I created... I thought it was a real incident but it was DerangedWalrus who pranked me.... lock please.
Got myself a brand new ultra wide 1920 x 1080 monitor. This thing is massive. I need a new desk just to have it 0_0 Pictures will be provided...
You're all morons! It's 42, girls, and soccer!
summon a command block into my inventory.
forgot about the new boys.
Separate names with a comma.