Never going to touch math ever again. Luckily Algebra is the last class I am required to take.
My polynomials have gotten harder :( I need to know this stuff by tomorrow (test). Can anyone simplify this one problem out so I get the basic...
booby is age and internet
Just upgraded to 50 mbps. Still only getting 5-7 mbps ;-; Damn you Time Warner! We are kicking some major below average ass.
This server is truly, a one-of-a-kind.
my profile picture deserves to be here.
Eh, from what I understand that's what most people get. If not, a ton of people must be smoking crack. Hopefully my Quad core AMD CPU won't...
760 seems like one of the higher end mid ranged cards. 60-80 FPS, ultra @ 1080p on BF4.... GG
How does the GTX 760 do vs the 7870? In comparison the 760 should win out on 3/4 things. Is it worth the extra $50? It comes with Black Flag and...
Coolio. Those texture packs would be nice in screenshots with shaders.
So what texture pack? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That last one looks really great. It's nice to see an evolution of someone's building skills. I am almost the exact same. Looking back at my...
U wot m8 is the most Australian sounding thing I have ever heard. I laughed more at that post that I should have.
God damn yes we did
boobby isn't good
boobby brings bad luck to this thread
This helps more than my teacher does. Gracias! Is it a coincidence that all redstoners are good at math...? Also, on a side note, I am completely...
Triggy trig trig.
Geometry or something? I would rather be in that than my Algebra repeat class. That problem you posted isn't that hard really (at least I think...
How do you factor out Polynomials? Having a crap ton of problems with this stuff... [IMG] Just an example of what i'm doing. Makes no sense D:<
Separate names with a comma.