Blood magic and qcraft should be enabled. I personally like mimicry, but i can see why its disabled. The others, take em or leave em idc
Ah, still pretty close to Mississauga.
I'm lvl 139 on joyride, lol.
oh damn, you're from oakville sleb? thats close, lol
or pirate it because f**k adobe :) $100 and below is the max I'll pay for software
honestly, I'm on the fence about it... Like for software 9 times out of 10 im ok with it because companies like adobe try and charge $500 for...
so its simple, VIPs keep what they paid for, and voters can get it temp for votepoints
wouldnt adding them to the vote shop make them legal to sell for real cash since technically anyone can get the perks?
eventually temp worldedit for creative? I'm thinking temp (maybe a week? couple days? idk) VIP perks, but making them need a lot of points, plus...
Cya around z, we gotta play sr4 sometime soon
Cya bobby D: I'll add ya on skype when I get home
Banned, locked
like mojang will ever have anything as simple to use as forge for 1.6+ you click a button than drop the mods in a folder :P
please, piss off
than send a certain zomified moderator a copy of the world along with the item id of the item you need removed :)
yes epic, one of us can help you
look man, I can see where your coming from, its one obscure line of subtext on the rules section of the wiki. Just make sure you go over the rules...
ah shit man, sorry about that :/ EDIT: rollback perms for mods seem to be broken again, no perms for any of the parameters
Separate names with a comma.