What is your IGN: Gordon5reeman Which deal/s are you interested in: Gold 1 No need to manually set up, just want people to know my intent of...
C# 2012 for Programmers
its nagware, you are meant to buy it, but you legally don't have to
Getting my wares mixed up Sent from Sleberts phone
Sorry it's Shareware Sent from Sleberts phone
You can buy it, but you don't have to, Therefor freeware Sent from Sleberts phone
Yeah, wasn't planning on eating any if caught some, mostly because they would have come from Hamilton harbour, which has horrible water quality...
Yeah, freeware Sent from Sleberts phone
Never tried it, but I would imagine so XD since they are bottom feeders Sent from Sleberts phone
WinRAR Is freeware Sent from Sleberts phone
Nice catch shock, did you cook Em? Sent from Sleberts phone
Hamilton Harbour, the left corner of Lake Ontario. Sent from Sleberts phone
Didn't catch anything, but it was a nice day, and I got some nice pictures. Also I got pooped on by a bird... Carp fishing [IMG] Picture of one...
Art most CDs 10 dollars anyways? Sent from Sleberts phone
This wouldn't help our community grow, and would simply shut out new players. If we did this the server would die pretty quickly since it just...
Don't attack Trent's... Bad things happen, speaking of which, Dyno I attacked a Trent, can you fix it once I get on Sent from Sleberts phone
That and most of us are back Sent from Sleberts phone
Yup, both coinsedence Sent from Sleberts phone
The loss of players makes sence, and the loss of staff members is just a coincidence. Sent from Sleberts phone
Separate names with a comma.