Yay, a way for me to donate again! Donated :P
a Photoshoped version of the original, but still relevant [IMG] original was as follows for those who are wondering :P Red: Halo Blue: World of...
could probably just pick it really easily anyways :P Whats your address BTW? XD
If that key is actually to your house, then that's pretty awesome. On the other hand, not the most secure :P
Nice pen man, ive got a LAMY in my EDC. Also have my phone and my wallet.
pretty much post a pic of what you take with you everyday (wallet, keys, etc.)
We dont even have an equivilent to SATs in Canada
First year of College Monday: 11am-2pm Discrete Math Tuesday: 2pm-6pm Web Development Wednesday: 8am-11am Buisness Software Systems 12pm-4pm...
the town was originally named New Exile, so :P
it is
Skaro !Tax Free! The Town of Skaro is looking for new residents! [IMG] Mayor - Gordon5reeman Residents: slebert simonsepiclol jay8 Rules of...
the base exp for McMMO is quite high, and you level really fast, thats why
dont put a light source next to the ice...
i dont think any britsh people whould be angry about not being able to play minecraft at 6am :P They've got their Tea anyways XD
I dont use mail, nor do I ever get mail, for a large portion of my time on shadecrest I never had a town. They are not nessasary just because...
Since I was brought, I guess I should get involved in this again. It takes the Time and Effort of other Admins to find new Staff. This is time...
Ah, so its the Survival people that are stupid?
Ah, so you guys are looking for a server without the stupid people of Shadecrest [EDIT]: Good luck with that Also, Can i ask you why you don't...
Sounds like you want a town on the Peacful world of Survival to me... [EDIT]: You guys are not really looking for vanilla at this point to be...
guys, you are being told you can have what you want, and you are just saying no we don't want it... there will be no difference between doing what...
Separate names with a comma.