Making this thread for a all people that have an xbone and want to play with other shade crest members. Leave a comment below with your Gamer tag...
Xanna Wins! Congrats you are now VIP V! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Just a bump to remind people of this! :P
Thats right! The contest is back! And this time anyone can enter!!! Including VIP 5s! just comment bellow with your IGN and why you love Christmas...
IGN: slebert City: Oakville timezone same as THEdeadRETURNED
Welcome, also its amazing that you have been playing Minecraft since before it came out!
[IMG] why not bump this thread with where i play :P
Someone post a pic ¿ Sent from Sleberts phone
So this was my class today. [IMG] So many peoplein class thinking its about women in gaming, had to explain it wasnt :P
3 is the false one
At the moment the new EULA hasn't even been released, so why not have it till then? Plus with the whole Microsoft acquisition, who knows what's...
Did they? It wasn't working 3 days after, that dosnt mean it wasn't working then. Sent from Sleberts phone
This is a good idea, but I am going to leave some ideas here anyways. So here is a list of Ideas I have, some of which I have mention previously....
To be, or not to be?
does a question mark really define a question?
Was that a question? oiShocKWavesv
Just Take the Time to find one, and then set up a warp there, or even smarter, put your home there and set a warp at your home.
I am breaking this rule, simply to tell you guys you are breaking this rule.
Lock Thread and Edit post to say its over? Possibly start it up again fresh, but now with One, Two, and Three year prizes?
Just so you know it is currently EDT not EST due to daylight savings time. so its an hour after EST :P
Separate names with a comma.