If you missed the first Server Promo that I made here it is: [media]
After a day of editing this video, and a night full of hot tea recording all of this. I finally finished my redemption to my first ShadeCrest...
More videos of the server can do no harm! :D If you want help just let me know! I would gladly be of assistance!
LOOOL xD Just rewatched it... just noticed a minor.. spelling error.. goodjob Ben... goodjob.. Error: Mini Games list: "Spleef" was replaced by...
Server promo? Why not. Took me 4 hours to upload to YouTube, because poverty internet in Ohio, but it finally finished. Here is a Server Promo of...
Awesome! :D Here are my ideas, hope they are okay. Ideas: - Exchange VPs for in game "buffs" (like fire resistance, haste, etc.) - Purchase...
IGN: Bkoch5 Country: United States Timezone: Ohio Eastern Standard Time (EST) GMT -5
This place is looking great! Can't wait until the shop is 100% operational! If you need any items to help finish this, please let me know by...
You could do that (if it's still here) but the reason why he made this entire thing. Was to settle differences in PvP, not really for the mob...
I feel sorry for you Ginger.. All you proposed is a simple mob arena type event where two enemies sort out their differences battling hordes of...
Glad to see this! Voting can only be improved :)
Hopefully its something like this that will work, and attract lots of people to vote everyday. And the sooner the better..
Better Voting As of right now not too many people vote. Personally I think this is a major issue, and can be solved quite easily (I hope). Right...
The horrors! xD
This coming from a peaceful town owner might not mean anything, but the activity coming from PVP and the drive for new nations and competing towns...
Money is quite easy to get, I honestly think they need to make it somewhat harder to get money xD. I rejoined around 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I've...
Great memories in those pictures right there!! So sad so see it all gone.. but hopefully this new Pine Square will be even better!!
Also! (forgot...) Thanks again to THEdeadRETURNED for the very generous donation of some beacons to my town!! :D
Woooo! Thanks for all of the replys xD Also if this town was pvp I would build a crap ton of walls.... hate pvp xD Really xD I thought I was...
Pine Square Re-founded by: Bkoch5 Here are some pictures of Pine Square! I will hopefully be posting more after I finish some MAJOR renovations.....
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