Hey guys. A while back a made a trailer for this amazing server. I was never staisfied so I had anothe go at it :) I hope you all enjoy it. Took...
So i have been watching let's build episodes by jamizboy and I have seen him do the command /speedset 9 (fast). I was wondering what you guys...
Hey guys, Cano here....... FOr the past couple of weeks i haven't been very pleased. I have decided to create a new youtube account and start off...
Hey doods. I have recently actually gotten a website for the build crew up. All i am lacking are good names that DO NOT INCLUDE fyre................
So i was looking at TAB and noticed that the builder II names were in dark green and in chat they are light green. I was wondering if anyone...
Ok guys, at around 7:28 san Diego time, I was hard at work building when i just looked at chat and someone was making fun of the sandy elementary...
So for the past 2 weeks I have had the most ANNOYING ads pop up blocking vital links. is it just me or is anyone else getting these?????? I know...
Hello, Trukklob and I are planning out a HUGE steampunk city that will be mounted on a rock/ stone mountain in the middle of the ocean. Can some...
Hey guys its been a while IGN:canopenertrooper Why I want to become Architect: I feel that I have the building skills required to receive this...
Hey guys, I have recently found a texture pack for the build team. we will always be building to this texture. no dates have been officially set...
hey guys, it's been a long time since i have posted any new timelapses and wanted to get one out there with more than 1 person. HUGE THANKS to...
The first screen recorder I had was crap. the 2d was, meh, better. Now finally 3rd time is a charm. cost 100$ and only for mac :P- I am very...
today a guest alerted me about a grief. I cant tell who did it because i get 2 fps here are some pics I made a warp for it /warp carts ---...
[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] Here is a WEIRD convo i had. it ivolves me trukklob and slappy...so weird [ATTACH]
Hello one and all. this fine December 20th I sat down and edited some videos together for about 2 hours. I wanted to get the best quality for the...
Hi all, I couldent find a forum that involves other incidents so i put it in here as it is closest. As of 9:00PM San Diego time, no admins were on...
[ATTACH] HErro one and all. I have started a build progress vid. I have started on 12/13/12 and will try to mix in the sagrada familai in with my...
herro BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VID, please read this. I have bought a way better screen recorder (70$). I can get less lag and better quality but I...
Herro one and all, I need some good snowy christmas themed warps for my youtubes Christmas special. Can you please give me some good warps that i...
Herro A few weeks ago you have recently heard that I was reating a website for my build crew (very succsesfull). Well due to Mobileme (screw you...
Separate names with a comma.