Found this from the wiki: So Hey Golden apples will be useless, expensive food. The golden apple update will lower the price of golden apples...
I love this topic :P [img]
Firsth town block claims the world chunk ur standing in as far as I know. So yeah basicly 1 plot = 1 chunk
I have voted for it and my vote is not enough. I hope he gets tired of these, or other people do.
I never get respond :D Igues they dont respond to normal people </3
I have.
But It should be easy enough to repair with out plugin update as its only about replacing 2 images.
Another Notify about webauction: Brick, Stone brick, Stone slabs all show as stone slabs in webauction
Lol sorry was editing the mesage, and just added sentences inside other sentences :P
[img] Would it be possible with some comand disable us from seeing these numbers in my auctions" screen? Every auction i make creates one set of...
Oh well ... Thank you Z_Millla
Thats the trick im not invite to King_Videot's home, but it stillshows in livelog. Also /warp ciulerson2 and /warp golui you have seen me using do...
Z_Millla did I once pick up items i had left on ground by dieing by usin /t spawn ? :) No i didn't and just to let you know i use livelog all the...
I think there should be in rules, when warping / home is allowed rather than when its not allowed. :D Small list, and hard to missunderstand....
I belive that is one thing wich is also considered PvPing, Golui got warning out of it as far as i know ( He used to fly in creative mode shouting...
Also he finaly after months starts to confess the crimes he never confessed nack or got banned/warned for. [img]
What is your IGN?: Jasperli What is the IGN of the offenders?: XXXProdXXX Which rules did they break?: Warping in PvP / Using home to kill...
Havent yet, might if my minecraft adiction would fade away :)
I think there are not much hiden warps left in Flex :) Had to just tell u litle bit rubish to get you into the fight against warps ;)
He has also been doing some combat warping (with only stone sword with him though :P) Also I belive Prod allredy been talking with him about the...
Separate names with a comma.