Lift signs help

Discussion in 'Minecraft Help' started by yvis, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. yvis

    yvis New Member

    He guys im trying to make a lift in my house, but it doesn't work, is there max floors you can have between the lift signs? and you need to put in this on the sign right? :
    ground level
    [lift up]

    upper level
    [lift down]

    or am i not correct?
  2. Manglor

    Manglor Active Member

    do you have the first line empty on the signs?

    should read

    *[lift up]*
  3. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    you can also put info on the 1st line for what you want it to say when you warp...

    2nd floor
    [lift up]
    ground floor

    with a lift above that says
    ground floor
    [lift down]
    2nd floor

    will display the message on your screen of the floor you are currently on! :) go check out the lift system at /warp mineco if you want to see this in work....
  4. yvis

    yvis New Member

    Problem solved! Had the signa not on Same line of chunks.