help me

Discussion in 'Minecraft Help' started by tylerknee, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. tylerknee

    tylerknee New Member

    all my options are completely disabled i can't do anyhting
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    *sighs* post your name with EXACT charters and and admin will re-add you to permissions (they were changed
  3. bMacSwigg

    bMacSwigg New Member VIP

    Please be exact and specific in asking for help, or we can't do anything. If you just say "all my options are broken", can you guess what our next questions will be?

    "Options meaning what?"
    "Broken how?"
    "What is wrong with you why didn't you write out exactly what you meant the first time? (Optional)"

    So please. Answer these questions. And if anything else comes to mind, post it too. Also, post your name exactly the way it is in-game, as sharqman said, so that the admins can easily fix permissions if that is the problem.
  4. bMacSwigg

    bMacSwigg New Member VIP

    according to /res it's Tylerknee
  5. bMacSwigg

    bMacSwigg New Member VIP

    Honestly, it should be a very simple fix. The program should just be made so that it takes all name variables and automatically makes them lowercase. If you put in the name "bmacSwigg" it should see it as "bmacswigg". Then, when it sees that "bMacSwigg" is trying to do something, it sees that as "bmacswigg" as well. *sigh*