Ban Appel For Sharqman and K9katz

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by bkoch5, Oct 16, 2011.

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  1. bkoch5

    bkoch5 Active Member VIP

    k9's defense

    Ok why was he banned in the first place last time I checked he was remodeling the town castle and not involved in the dispute At All!?!

    Sharman's defense

    Ok since when is defending yourself against 2 jerks a temp ban that doesn't deserve a ban at all. Also what I've seen to be occurring in the recent days has been pad stretching the truth! And annoying the crap out of us and our residents!Also hidden rooms? With nothing in it?!? What the heck?!? Not trying to be mean here but if u wanna ban someone for that pitiful reason at leaset build up enough courage and /tell the person to get further information (don't jump to conclusions).

    So what I'm trying to say here is that pad is ruining my town even if he has no intention on doing so. Also I posted a post about Favortism? Please check that out.

  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    bk, i've said this all in pms and in mine and k9's ban appeals
    from what im seeing, it looks like some of the staff doesn't like our town and is just banning without further research, unless they are looking into it after they banned us.
    and yes, k9 was only involved because he was in the area, pad just banned him because he hates our town, and k9 co-founded the town.
    **EDIT** trent said im going to ban them for a few days, when i asked pad said non of my business, i think me being banned is my business, he just didn't want me to prove the ban wrong on the spot.
    and now im not even getting the chance to.
  3. bkoch5

    bkoch5 Active Member VIP

    I don't fully believe that its the town that he hates I think he has something against us. I say this bc he always ignores/harrases us.
  4. Wkdclwncar

    Wkdclwncar Member VIP

    In the Pine Square forum thread there is this:

    It speaks of a bank "for people who cant afford to lock their chests", where no one can get in but certain people in town. It even mentions the super secret tunnels leading there and the use of the /home. This "bank" is against the rules.
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