My ban appeal (my opinion is shouldn't have been banned at all)

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by sharqman, Oct 16, 2011.

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  1. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    It says I have hidden rooms and lied to server staff
    1) where is the evidence?
    2) the room wasn't hidden, you made me break through walls to get into a room that can be accessed without griefing(i will show them to an admin if necessary)
    3)what did i say that made me lie to server staff i really want to see the chat log because i don't think i said anything
    4)this is just pad trying to bring down our town, him and iidreamzzhd were in our town all day looking for means to ban, and they found this pitiful excuse for a ban that isn't even worth a kick (depends on chat logs)
    picture below:
    they thought 2 was blocking entrance to 1
    **EDIT** wow banned me till the 20th so my inventory can be reset, nice.
  2. k9katz

    k9katz Member

    nice, this explains why I was banned I'd guess.

    so, I guess the Mayor & all assistants of Pine Square will get banned.

    good job Padaun, its obvious that your doing this for the main reason to take down Pine Square.

    man, big congrats
  3. fixterjake11

    fixterjake11 Member VIP

    Everyone's inventory will be reset on the 21st not the 20th.
  4. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    no, bk wasn't banned, pad probably wanted to taint our towns leaders because bk was already banned, and we were talking about who hasn't been banned yesterday
    our bans are under temporary bans
    nd fixter ur banned untill the date it says i believe
  5. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    bkoch wasn't banned.

    Also bans were shortened because of inventory reset.

    EDIT: You missed the one-way redstone locked doors.
  6. iiDreamzzHD

    iiDreamzzHD Active Member VIP

    1) Where is the evidence?
    -Pad has screenshots

    2) the room wasn't hidden, you made me break through walls to get into a room that can be accessed without griefing
    -It WAS hidden, adn the other enterence was illegally locked with redstone and iorn doors.

    3)what did i say that made me lie to server staff i really want to see the chat log because i don't think i said anything
    -You lied about the following:
    You said it wasn't hidden-False
    You said there was nothing behind the blocks-False
    You said the room was abandoned-False
    You said it was empty-False
    Shall I go on?

    4)this is just pad trying to bring down our town, him and iidreamzzhd were in our town all day looking for means to ban, and they found this pitiful excuse for a ban that isn't even worth a kick
    -Padaun had a reason to ban you, it had nothing to do with your town in any way, shape, or form.
  7. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    since when is using iron doors and redstone illegal, i was gonna make it able to be open, but it was going to be secret and there were way to many people around (aka u nd pad) and then i had to go to my grandparents house.
  8. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Them being mean.
  9. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    1) lol his skin was glitching nd became urs XD
    2) that was bk telling you to do ur job instead of harassing our town
    3) you didn't even ban him (you shouldn't, you don't have a good reason)
    4) i didn't even say anything in this pic
    5) i have a pic of dreamz being a jerk on my home computer, but im not at home.
    6) you both were obviously griefing areas to see what was in them (the blocks replaced because of towny) I know that because iidreamzhd was using giga drill and super breaker inside the castle
  10. k9katz

    k9katz Member

    2 things here...

    1. Bkoch5 is being mean by asking Padaun to do his job... hmm, weird..

    2. I fail to see proof of me being mean.. that has been implied several times.

    and again, why business does iiDreamz have to have his nose in this??
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