I have a temporary procedural ARK server online on my local machine. Connectivity isn't ideal, but it works. Linux support for procedural ARKs was supposed to have been fixed over the weekend, but still waiting for a fix from the developers. In the mean time the server that is currently up and running, all the map / player files will be moved to ShadeCrest's instance as soon as it's working again for Linux. I've updated the link in the sidebar to include a link to my temporary server. It's the one called "Ark: Test" Server setup information is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CbRCJDBPuXRFHGOqx5hC4x_ZCLGtSTjMzUj3uAUGbIg Mod collection (for easy subscription) is here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667875586
Finally, ARK released an update just now that fixes Procedural Generated ARKs from running on Linux, so currently patching and it should be online / working. Connection link available in the sidebar as usual.