i am[glow=red,2,300] really sorry[/glow] for what i have done on this server. i really enjoyed it and dont know why i [glow=red,2,300]violated[/glow] the rules. [glow=red,2,300]please [/glow]hear what i have to say. i really love this server. it is like no other. i understand from what i have done is a full ban. please give me a [glow=red,2,300]second chance[/glow]! or at least make it a temp ban. i would love to once again play on this server and the community. i hope you will take this in to consideration. i hope to be playing on shade crest once again with my friends and community... thanks, [glow=red,2,300]arkus[/glow]
I know i was banned for griefing in the pvp world... But I am not sure who banned me... I think it might of been nifix... but not exactly sure... please give me a second chance tho... I really want to play on this server again and griefing was a stupid thing to do in the first place...