Building redstone locked stuff continues.

Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by Jasperli, Oct 10, 2011.

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  1. Jasperli

    Jasperli Member VIP

    Trent allredy gave XXXProdXXX & ZJAW7 final warning for locking stuff withredstone.
    THis time they locked tower wich had lift up sign to piston locked room.
    We managed to get in there after losing around 6 sets of armour by using dirt after they had logged out.

    What is your IGN? : Jasperli

    What is the IGN of the offenders? : XXXProdXXX & ZJAW7

    Which rules did they break? :
    -Locking doors ( were piston doors ) with redstone at PVP town to prevent from geting pvped and there by beign able to shoot arrows at us for around 1 hour.

    Are there any witnesses? What are their IGN's? :
    Alan321, Strangecow1

    Did you talk to the people who were doing the rule-breaking? What did they say? :
    Not about this problem as trent allredy told them about this being illegal but they have not stopped it so didnt see point in telling it to them again.

    Do you think they should be given a punishment for this? :
    Ban for this and all other stuff they have done.

    Do you have screenshot(s) or video(s) of the incident (example: chat logs)? Post them at the end of the post :

    Were any mods or admins on at the time this happened? Who were they? : None at all, shame

    Have they broke a rule(s) before? Which ones? : Adminds havent punished them for any yet.


    And they still lock iron door with redstone:


    Coordinates: 2100,106,1648
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