My IGN: royerlend123 Who banned me: SkittlesQueen Ban reason: 5d griefing, and killing pets. When i was banned: 20th September 2015 09:12:46 PM How long the ban is: Permanent. My explaination for this big mess: I lend my account to a friend of mine who i am not going to say the IGN of, unless you guys ask me to, i showed him Shadecrest (this server) and told him not to grief, and it seems either he didn't listen to me, or someone else has access to my account. Why i should be unbanned: There is reasons for me to stay at this server, but i shouldn't have lend my account to anyone in the first place, and for that i'm sorry, if you choose to let me into the server again, i would be very happy, and i would gladly pay back to those who was griefed, but if i stay banned, i understand why. Sincerely royerlend123
"Ban reason: 5d griefing, and killing pets." Uh, SkittlesQueen, I think you forgot how to do a temp ban. "/tempban <player> <time> [reason]" If you just do /ban, the "time" becomes part of the reason. royerlend123: This was almost certainly meant to be a 5 day temp ban, so don't worry too much. However, you are responsible for controlling your account, so be more careful in the future. Side note: if you put "@" in front of a name, that person gets a notification and will be more likely to respond. That's what you are supposed to do with the "who banned you" section. Skitts will get a notification with this post and take a look.
sorry for the delay, royer, as Eze has said careful loaning out your account, I wouldn't do it again now that you know what will happen, with that said, you'll be unbanned. SkittlesQueen
Thanks for replying SkittlesQueen. I will take more care of my account now that i know what could happend.