I am BeautyTorpedo, and I've been with Shade Crest for three days now. My friend, Naireik, who isn't on the site yet, found this server, and I immediately noticed how friendly the people here are. I would love to be part of your community for time to come. As a player of minecraft, I primarily enjoy building and organization. I prefer survival in PvE as my reaction time sort of sucks to do PvP >.< When playing with friends, I often create the houses we live in, which I suppose are decent. As a human being, I am a high school student, which obviously makes the times I can play somewhat limited. In my free time, though, I enjoy writing (stories, of course), drawing, and watching excess amounts of Netflix (at the moment I am tackling the nine seasons of Supernatural). I hope I can make a place in this community, and I look forward to getting to know you all.