Today my ship, "The Other Mk.3", committed suicide; down to the last block. I was about a million platinum ore into the rock, when the ship violently slammed itself sideways into the rock at max velocity exploding most of it on impact, launching me "Last Action Hero" style away from the ship into the asteroid at max velocity and killing me instantly. Last thing I saw was a giant beautiful series of explosions from the new patch additions. I returned to the spot to find the unpowered, untouched leftovers (about 6 or so armored blocks and a few drills) grinding themselves ultraviolently into the asteroid surface, almost as if they were under about 100g gravity. Would have been sweet if I was in a battle, as the violence was truly staggering and shocking; but this is a recurring problem when i'm mining in any ship of any build. I haven't had a successful mining trip in 3 days, and now my primary miner is just a few blocks grinding themselves away on the rock.