griefed by NoNxElite and kellanjay

Discussion in 'Grief Report' started by hywzerboydy, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. hywzerboydy

    hywzerboydy Active Member VIP

    What is your IGN? hywzerboydy

    Coordinates of the location 1220.5667, 70, -495.2830 and 1203.3026, 80, -465.9689

    Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? pvp

    What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. 30 logs on gsnell's house and 15 glass blocks on mine

    About how many blocks were broken/replaced? 45

    Who did the griefing? kellanjay broke the logs and 4 of my glass blocks and nonxelite did 11 glass blocks

    Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? yes, they won't listen to me

    What did they say? kellanjay: the logs are in the chest

    Do you think they should be banned for this? no, just a warning because they are new and extremely annoying

    Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? no

    If you answered yes to the last questions DO NOT rebuild anything yourself.

    I put the logs in the chest back but they were griefed again, kellanjay was ignoring wkdclwncar's tells, please dont ban them, just give them a warning and could you please tell to stop fist rushing aswell, kellanjay is the fistrusher and did the most griefing, i also have screenshots but I havn't downloaded minecraft so i dont have a minecraft folder, is there any other way to get my screenshots
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