http://condenastl3cdn.cust.footprin...3552f6d4-d650-4454-bef5-97c872b677a7high.webm Get ready for the fucking future kids. I know I am. So fucking ready for augmented reality.
Although the idea of virtual augmented reality pets (as seen at the end of the vi) is slightly creepy.
I take one surgically implanted into my eyes because I'm not too keen on the idea of walking around with that dopey ass contraption on my head. Still really cool though.
It was on reddit, take that as you will...
Anything that comes out won't be nearly that advanced, but still neato. Those people were just flicking the air, with no indication of what they wanted to do in the VI, like the mc guy who placed a brick block without choosing anything. It's almost like it was a fancy new age advertisement or something.
When I first got a 3DS back in March 2011, the Augmented Reality blew my fucking mind. I am SO ready for this shit!
But WHY OH WHY windows?? In an avalanche, not one snowflake feels responsable. -Voltaire, during the French Revolution.
I don't mean that, but why the software that is famous for being the most virus-infected of them all? Just imagine what hackers could do with holograms. In an avalanche, not one snowflake feels responsable. -Voltaire, during the French Revolution.
It's simple. Microsoft is making the device. So Microsoft is using their operating system for it to run on. It's simple. It's a piece of hardware with an operating system. Why WOULDN'T they put Window on it? It's like saying "WHY OH WHY would Google use Android for Google Glass?" Do you realize how stupid that question is? Also to suggest that Microsoft hardware would run an iOS operating system or even Linux also makes no sense. Why would Microsoft compete with itself on it's own platform? Morons get viruses. Last time I checked no one I know personally has had a virus since Windows 7. Windows Defender is very solid. Also if you want to QQ about the UI of Window 8, then you've obviously never used Windows 8.1 and likely not even Windows 8 for longer than a day. Reality is that Windows 8 had flaws because it was overly marketed toward tablets. Early adopters had to deal with minor issues with the new launch screen with bugged some people. Microsoft fixed those issues a while ago and Windows 8.1 is a solid operating system for desktop that most professions have adopted and love at this point. Windows 10 is an even better operating system and if you like Windows 7, you'll love Windows 10. It takes the best of 7 and 8, combines them and in many cases gives the user the choice over which interface they like better or a hybrid. At it's core 7 and 8 are the same operating system. Windows 10 and Windows Holo will be the same, just different launch screens. That's it. In fact so few things are different about Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 is why they are giving Windows 10 away for free. That's why Windows 8 was initially free to Windows 7 users because it was just a different launch UI and HTML5 embedded apps. You're complaining about nothing. Is it "cool" to complain or something? Back on the topic of viruses. Viruses are generally written to target whatever operating system is used by the majority of the world's population. It's the reality of life. The key advantage to the Hololens to run on a flavor of windows is that all your basic Windows Embedded apps will run on Hololens innately, you can just throw them on a flat surface like a wall or project them in space. This means a lot of developers who know how to write apps don't need to develop new apps for it. It will have it's own special API for doing mroe advanced stuff and making apps specific to Hololens, but out of the box the day it ships it will already have millions of apps that work on it. Of course all that and the fact that all Microsoft hardware runs on their one core OS means lowered development cost and the base cost of maintaining windows is spread across Windows for Desktop, Windows Holo, XBox, and other teams. It's just good business. Oh and quoting random obscure quotes doesn't make you seem smarter or make your opinion more valid.
I never suggested using iOS, I said it would be bad, and I was defending them using Windows.. Also, I have a laptop over in the UK with Windows 8.1 so I can safely say I prefer Windows 7, and I know what Win 10 is like, I've seen the demo's. Also, that quote is cida's Tapatalk signature. --EDIT-- Also, I can't wait until these are able to be bought by the average person, about €600, not like €5000 or some shit.