RunforReid Who banned you? (use @Ezieger92) Why were you banned (Idiot)? Januarary 18th/B] 3 days PvP-ing after teleporting to place with no exit I personally was unaware that the exit had been broken and I initially only warped to enckus to get my stuff back after my initial death when the exit was not broken because I knew my opponent didn't have enough inventory space to take all of my and ZPWR's stuff. I arrived at warp enckus (which I, like ZPWR, consider as another base that we've both been using fairly consistently during our current build) and then rushed over to take my stuff, when I was attacked again, I retaliated with a stone sword I'd picked up and was abruptly banned. I am sorry for warping and pvp-ing but that was not my initial intention and I was also unaware that the exit had been broken because I saw _Flagellum running around on a different level of the warp enckus, so I thought that at least one of the exits was working.
ZP managed to screw up the ban appeal formatting, and you copied his formatting exactly -_-. Your ban had nothing to do with the sign, it was purely warping back to pvp. The outcome would have been the same had this happened at one of your bases. I'm not against going back to grab dropped items, but you need to wait a reasonable amount of time first. A minute at least. Ban length stays.