ZPWR22 Who banned you?(use @Ezieger92) Why were you banned(Idiot)? Januarary 18th/B] 4 days Pvp shenanigans. Warp to pvp, destroyed exit Honestly I got carried away and went to go rush shock to have fun after the initial fight. I guess the fact that it's technically ndv's base and not mine makes it warping to pvp, but I usually consider enckus to be the another part of my base system. As for the sign breakage, that was just stupidity. Obviously it's a short ban, but I feel as though it could be shortened due to its trivial nature. Also, I really just stick to peaceful. I only went to enckus because I knew that shock was hunting me. So your call Erik.
Even if you were at your home, warping back to rush a player is not okay. I'm not shortening the ban length.