What is your IGN? GingerSwan Who banned you? Navarog Why were you banned? The ban was removed from the database, so the current one is "reban", although the original was along the lines of "Toxic behaviour, being a dick", etc. When were you banned? Exactly 5 months ago, the 11th of October, 2014 How long is your ban? Permanent. Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? I've always been kind of an asshole who over-dramatizes things on the Internet, and I want to change that and make myself a respectable human being. The whole ordeal of me hating modern builds, and removing the apartment that MrWolf10 and TheTechGeek245 made for me was the last straw, and was a completely dickhead move on my side, and they are entirely innocent, as they tried to make it fit with the rest of their TechTower (in which I now happily have a modern apartment on Survival), and was unnecessary for me to remove, because who the hell makes a medieval apartment in a modern building? I apologize to Tech, Wolf, Nava, Stephen, and all the others whose building I disrupted by arguing all the time. Why should you be unbanned? I believe myself to have matured, being staff on another server and dealing with hackers, griefers, ranking and the likes; even putting up with people like Anatoly Zaitzev, believing that a certain slavic country was better than the others (in Ana's case, Russia, but in this person's case, Poland). If you would like to perma-mute me, I'd be fine with that and not bypass it like I did last time, as long as I can build things. (Just for you Navarog, http://goo.gl/0CksVy)