First watch this video. The important parts to watch are till 3:35. In addition to the using statements they include in this video, you also need to include this: Code: using Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame; Add this as a local variable of your script class Code: IMyGridTerminalSystem GridTerminalSystem; From there intellisence is magic. A sample c# class should look like below. Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Sandbox.Common; using Sandbox.Common.Components; using Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders; using Sandbox.Definitions; using Sandbox.Engine; using Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame; using Sandbox.Game; namespace Scripts { class StatusReport { IMyGridTerminalSystem GridTerminalSystem; // void Main() { var blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyRadioAntenna>(blocks); if (blocks.Count > 0) blocks[0].SetCustomName("Hello, Galaxy!"); } } } When copying and pasting from Visual Studio to in game Do not copy any of the using statements Do not copy the namespace Do not copy the class Do not copy the "IMyGridTerminalSystem GridTerminalSystem;" line Basically just copy any local variables, the main method, and any other sub-methods you make Makes sure to not include any closing curly braces for the class / namespace Example: Code: void Main() { var blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyRadioAntenna>(blocks); if (blocks.Count > 0) blocks[0].SetCustomName("Hello, Galaxy!"); }