Yes, another forum game! This game is the rhyming game -Rhyme with the word given above -No repetition -If you can't come up of something you can change the word in this format. (Next word:_______) Fixed it so that this game will actually work, you can start now! The word to start with is Hello
Once rarely spitting at the blood red moon, Space looses his mind 'cause the dark maroon. He'd have unraveled the small mystery, if merely he looked at post history and saw the first line; "It's the weekend soon!" (Iambic pentameter suckas!) (Also this text and the above are white, you shouldn't see this without highlighting it)
Soon the moon will be swooned. Swooned by who? The space cadet corp of course. 2nd best to the loons of marroon. If merely erik checked his knickers and ate a snickers. The barracks on the moon wouldve had cartoons.
I do not like this rhyming game. I do not like it for it is lame. I think that it shall end quite soon, With many graves immaculately festooned.