My name is Will (IGN: Will_Face)! I have checked out this server from PlanetMinecraft and it looked pretty good! So I guess this is my introduction, if anyone has any pointers on how I might get started or if there's any towns accepting new members, I'd be happy to discuss or join ^_^. I have a bit of experience with mcmmo and towny, back in the day I used to run a town of 20 or so members on a server called Realmcraft. Not sure where that server is at now, haven't been there for about 2 years or so. So I'm looking to start back up somewhere and get into a community again . If you have any questions for me please ask, otherwise it's great to be on the server and I hope to see y'all soon..
Welcome! Since you are using DokuCraft, I assume that you are a medieval-type person. If so, PineSquare is always accepting good builders! We are a PvE town, but if you prefer modern in PvE, Siliconia is the way to go. There are some PvP towns like Mirage, Exile and some others.
Unfortunately I'm in the middle of snow right now so my internet is acting up, it will be back on very soon though, Thank you
Thanks Skittles! That sounds like a fun name for a server XD Hey Bobby! I sure will come visit sometime, once I have myself established here first looking forward to it!
Full of bs ginger, Siliconia is a free build town always looking for good members we value loyalty and TechTower (a Modern build) Is why ginger believes that it is a modern town but we do not have an official build style. We have many things to do but also we aint perfect -siliconia mayor
Welcome to SC! Look forwards to seeing you around the place (once exams finish for me anyway). And for clarification Ginger, I think it was originally intended to be districts for styles, with the Techtower end being modern, and the south end being Medieval. All kinda just merged now though.