Cool Redstone Bug/Feature (IDK what it is)

Discussion in 'Minecraft Discussions' started by qb10panther, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. qb10panther

    qb10panther Member

    So I like messing around with redstone when I'm bored in creative. Recently I discovered this cool way to bud a piston. I discovered that you can bud a piston with a repeater in a non-adjacent block to the piston, including diagonally from it. The basic set up I used to test this looks like this:


    So in this picture the piston without any block is being pushed out. When the lever is turned off, both the piston with the gold block and the other piston will be powered, but the piston without anything will stay extended due to the pulse extender. This will cause the piston will the gold block to be powered, but not extended and therefore creating a bud.


    So here we have a piston, the one with the gold block, being powered, but not pushed out because previously, the other piston was extended, prohibiting the piston with the gold block from being extended. To make the piston "realize" that it is powered you need to update the piston. Usually this is done by placing a block next to the piston. However, I discovered that you can update the piston with the gold block from the piece of wool on the far right, the one that isn't touching the piston.


    Here is where it gets interesting. The piston with the gold block s bud-ed by the repeater I placed. It also will bud the piston if the repeater gets powered too. If the repeater doesn't face the piston though, it will not bud. Example:


    Also, this is where this gets really useful... The piston can be bud-ed by a repeater through a block. So, if you have a block between the repeater and the repeater you place, the piston will still bud. This means you can have a secret repeater lock that is 100% hidden behind a flat wall. I could build an example of this if anyone wants. Heres an example of the bud though the block:


    Honestly, I think this is pretty cool and very, very useful for a secret door or a lock. Try it out if you want, I haven't tested it on survival but it works on creative. I can show you if I'm online if you want too :) Have fun with it! I think its a neat little discovery!