What the hell.

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by NMBr2d2, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    so if you take a nice look at that captcha, all you see there is a little picture where you would normally find some letters or numbers. So after a second of "WHAT???" I right clicked the image and used google image search, and I got this link https://www.google.com/search?sourc...qpyASZkYLIDw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1920&bih=955

    This is when it gets good. For a minute I was just baffled, and I talked with rem about it for a few seconds, and then I decided to try something. I copied cultivo de aguacate and pasted it in the captcha bar.

    Its getting more and more absurd to vote, first it was numbers above doors, then wobbly words, then some picture tic-tac-toe crap, and now you have to be a private investigator. Whats next?
    epic_poke8, Keldt, cemeterry and 3 others like this.
  2. Rem

    Rem Active Member VIP

    Captcha is the anti-christ
  3. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    U know u could click the lil circle which will give u something else to enter
    Keldt likes this.
  4. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    I'm well aware.
  5. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    Edit: Well, it was a really blurry image, but I guess it doesn't exist any more. But I put in 1 and it worked so yea.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014