CrisZombie115 Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Steele, Aug 2, 2014.

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  1. Steele

    Steele New Member

    My friend CrisZombie115 was banned a while ago for writing insults in his own chest and was banned a little later. As of today he tried to join and it said he was still banned. I find this unfair as I was once banned for using inappropriate language(raging) in chat, and i was banned for only 2 days. Can an Admin or Staff explain to me why he was permanently banned for almost the same thing as me and he doesn't have the same punishment. It would be great if he would be released from his ban some time soon. Thanks!
  2. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    He sorta needs to make the ban appeal himself, and I'm sure if he just appealed it using the format he would be unbanned.
  3. Steele

    Steele New Member

    so I just spent all that effort for nothing
  4. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Well, no, now you have a forums account and you can keep up with everything that is happening in the community :)
  5. Steele

    Steele New Member

    But does he HAVE to do it himself or is this ok
  6. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

  7. If it's any help he wrote those insults about me, so it should be ok for me to post in here.

    As far as the story goes he wrote some not so nice things about me in a book. Treyman found it and alerted me to it. I then told bobby about it because I was fed up with his stuff. Before that he decided to spam the living crap out of my old town with shops. I told him repeatedly to stop but he didn't.... That is why he's banned. How is that unfair?

    Also, you might want to tell him to make his own account and own ban appeal (there's also a format). I believe bobbylou4 banned you, but I forget.
    AwesomeGuy2010 likes this.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    the owner of the banned account needs to make the appeal, sorry. locked
    Dynodamon likes this.
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