Hello everyone! New to the sever Generic Thread Incoming! My name is Saito! I've had that tag for quite a few years on more then to many games ( GW, EVE, WoW, GW2 Rohan, just a few) So if it looks like someone you may know then just ask and I'm sure I've played w/e game you may have seen it in! Been playing Mc for quiet some time on privet servers and such of my own and close friends. I clam to be a bit of a redstone master and not to shabby at general building cool stuffs! Love building in an older middle age style with a kick in the tail with some good old redstone spin! Not huge on pvp or griefers but I do have my dark side if turned on! DO NOT CROSS THE DeVir! So happy to be playing on a public server for once and hope I get to meet a few of you along the way! OH and another thing. I'm a bit of a YouTube start up. Have yet to get off the ground but maybe I can make this place my home! Drop me a line any time -Saito DeVir-
UGH I loved it so much till they continued to run it into the ground. I pretty much stepped away when SF got slammed down. Played from world open till almost 8 years later. would go back right now but its just not the same