Summary: General - Summer Promotions Survival/Creative - LastSeen / OnlineTime update Space Engineers - Public server is hopping Summer Promotions Really slow week this week, but hard work is being done behind the scenes to get the server ready for 1.8 and help reel in new members. The most important things going on right now are ensuring that our plugins are ready for 1.7.9, and working on the numerous changes to voting. What can you do in the meantime? Help bump our posts on the Minecraft Forums, tell your friends about the server, and most importantly, vote for the server! Summer is the best time to draw in new members. LastSeen / OnlineTime update ndvenckus1 and sharqman collaborated on writing an app which parses the FirstLastSeen text files and writes them to the ShadeCrest database. Once in the database we will be able to accurately update the OnTime to the proper value ensuring that everyone has an accurate first and recent seen dates all the time. At the point it's just on me to run the app server side and properly populate the database. Then we just have to run an update script which updates the OnTime data, and we'll be one step closer to 1.7.9. Space Engineers - Public server is hopping Lots of people have been on the public server around the clock. Usually around 10-15 people online on the public server throughout the day and to be honest I'm not even hosting it on a fully dedicated machine / connection yet. If it continues to be this popular or more, I think it's definitely a major push for me to get a real dedicated SE box online. For those people joining our public server and maybe visiting our website for the first time, please make an account on our forums and if interested, apply to be added to our community server for access to the private creative / survival servers.