This Week in ShadeCrest - 2014/06/06

Discussion in 'News and Updates' started by CyberVic, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    • Survival - MelinaHites retirement as Mod
    • Survival - Next Arcadian War on Saturday 6/21
    • Survival - ChestShop Averages revamp
    Survival - MelinaHites retirement as Mod
    Mel has stepping down as staff. At the moment between work and life she doesn't really have the time to be active, as a contributing member of the team. She's going to try to focus her efforts on being a happy semi-active member of ShadeCrest.

    Survival - Next Arcadian war on Saturday 6/21
    The next Arcadian War will be on Saturday, June 21st in Erathia! Gather your gear, go forth, and fight as a team to overpower the defenders of the treasure and retrieve the loots of a lifetime! As always, sign up in this thread if you're sure that you'll be attending. As always if you were in the previous wars, feel free to post comments and ideas in the thread or contact ndvenckus1 directly. Battle on, ShadeCrest!

    Survival - ChestShop Averages revamp
    Lots of updates to the ChestShop averages and transactions feature on the website. This is just one overhaul which depending on community feedback could result in many more pages like this which are unique to ShadeCrest and show all kinds of things. I could even make tools which show top 10 killers or statistics pages which query prism. There could be line graphs or pie charts, anything is possible. It's all pretty easy stuff for me and stuff I'd like the community to help think of what they want and I'll build over time.
    • Queries improved which has resulted in EXTREMELY faster load times and less wear/tear on the server
    • List items updated so newer Minecraft Id's are recognized
    • The Averages page now displays averages of all damage values (ex. various woods or wool colors)
    • The Averages page now allows for you to see stack size calculations on buying as well as selling
    • The Averages page now has hyper links to query transactions by item (ex. Wooden Plank (Dark Oak) )
    • The Transactions page now has a hyperlinks specifically for shop owner (ex. majestic_moose)
    • The Transactions page now has a hyperlinks specifically for buyer (ex. CyberVic)
    • The Transactions page now has a hyperlinks specifically for seller (ex. CyberVic)
    • The Transactions page now has hyper links to query transactions by item (ex. Wooden Plank (Dark Oak) )
    • The Transactions page pagination has been completely overhauled for performance
    • The Transactions page pagination remembers your current search criteria when paging between records
    • The Transactions page pagination shows up to 20 pages which is a range of 10 above and blow current page
    • The Transactions page pagination on the top and bottom of the grid
    • The Search page now has much improved, leveraging the transactions page and passing in query parameters
    • The Search page now allows for search on All transactions by player name, Shops by player name, Purchases by player name, Sales by player name, Transactions by itemid. Note that the last one is by the id itself not including the damage value. Also the searches are exact matches only. Searching is probably the biggest area for improvement and based on community feedback I can get it to do searches that begins with or contains searches. Let me know what you'd like to see.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2014
    Nifix and Archenemy666 like this.
  2. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    The next War will be held in Erathia! Hosting the war in a smaller town should change things up a fair bit with easily navigable paths and a perfect setting for close-range fights. If you're not already familiar with the town's layout, go to "/Warp Erathia" and have a look around. Sign up in this thread after carefully reading the original post!
    Nifix and CyberVic like this.
  3. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    Flex Nex